Replaced tentative Gaile planeswalker design with arted design/concept for another native planeswalker. Made changes in black and red uncommons to make black more aggressive and red more value oriented.For example, removed a black board wipe and replaced it with one in red (a pyroclasm variant). Reworked the UR uncommon and rare. Added another burn spell in red commons. Moved 5 of the multicolor rares to monocolor to make alleviate problems with the low number of monocolor rares. Other various numbers changes and design improvements (hopefully!). More name changes, and added in notes in flavor text where I expect to say certain things about the world/characters.
Change log: * Added Ajani, True Counsel. * Added Backup Party. * Added Isolated Isle. * Added Duwe Gang. * Added Eat the Weak. * Added Standin Lizard Flavor. * Added Unstable Rebirth. * Added Enthusiastic Warrior. * Added Huparu’s Destruction. * Added Lava Blast. * Added Lightning Tornado. * Added Vigor Flow. * Added Weranga Battle Master. * Added Absurd Blooming. * Added Ancient Challenge. * Added Brewing Storm. * Added Huparu, the Torrent. * Added Toahanga, Shifter Champion. * Added Welelau, the World Pillar. * Added Whirling Cyclone. * Removed Ajani. * Removed Creature and Aura Return. * Removed Gaile, Extraplanar Reporter. * Removed Open Strait. * Removed Cackling Duwe. * Removed Death Mist. * Removed Eat the Weakened. * Removed Reemergence. * Removed A Fiery Opportunity. * Removed Flame Warrior. * Removed Massive Eruption. * Removed The Mountain Awakes. * Removed Volcanic Connection. * Removed Stomp Around. * Removed Awaken Legendary. * Removed Regrow Land Limbs. * Removed Toahanga. * Removed Underwater Mage. * Removed Vortex Storm. * Removed Weranga Battle Prayer. * Changed Blessing of the Famous. * Changed Kahui Enchantress. * Changed Kauri Grove Guardian. * Changed Nurturer Whale. * Changed Disrupting Whirlpool. * Changed Favorable Winds. * Changed Limitless Potential. * Changed Ramari Shaman. * Changed Surfer’s Prowess. * Changed Tsunami. * Changed Magma Demon. * Changed Manic Warrior. * Changed Ravenous Barracuda. * Changed Scald Hydra. * Changed Basking Salamander. * Changed Chain Flow. * Changed Harness the Eruption. * Changed Kraken Lazer. * Changed Magma Mauler. * Changed Stabbo Crabbo. * Changed Serpent Hunting. * Changed Tattoo Shaman. * Changed Titanic Surge. * Changed Swift Canoe. * Changed Opaku, Kalanua’s Stone. * Changed Ru Kano, Surfaced Ruin.