In a world of water, humanity battles against all of the horrors of the deep as what little land that remains sinks into the ocean. Relegated to giant, floating barge-cities, humans must rely upon technology to combat fearsome beasts and dark, incomprehensible magics.
Mechanical themes: Artifacts matter, enchantments matter, big power matters
Flavor themes: Ocean world, steampunk, eldritch horror, transhumanism
: Evasion/"Diving" (Diving is water-flavored flying)
: Mill
: Discard/Low hand size
: "Bloodthirst"/Damage to opponents matters
: +1/+1 counters
: Graveyard value/reanimator
: "Exalted"/Attacking alone matters
: Subsume/Enchantments
: Artifacts
: Imposing
Change log: Fixed a typo
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Fixed DFC symbol error * Added Shattershard Carrier. * Added Llan’s Researcher. * Added Profane Baptism. * Added Brinebone Thralls. * Added Warden of the Eternal. * Added Observation Deck. * Added Recaster. * Added Deepwater Assault Squad. * Added Sanitarium Psychiatrist. * Added Reconstruction Chamber. * Added Benthic Boreel. * Added Menfishers. * Added Wake the Waves. * Removed Ancient Shipwrecks. * Removed Cobblemine Construct. * Removed Compiled Research. * Removed Constrict. * Removed Corseer. * Removed Deep Prophet. * Removed Deeptouched Mer. * Removed Driftlog Village. * Removed Explorer’s Cabin. * Removed Floating Bazaar. * Removed Ironclad Infantry. * Removed Know Your Enemy. * Removed Merknight Chargers. * Removed Roaring Waterfall. * Removed Rugged Ridgeline. * Removed Sanitarium Revivalist. * Removed Underwater Wildgrowth. * Removed Unsuspecting Patrol. * Changed Armored Walker. * Changed Bound Host. * Changed Bustling Shipyard. * Changed Colony Ship. * Changed Crimson Seaoenix. * Changed Frontline Frigate. * Changed Grim Baiter. * Changed Growing Madness. * Changed Hero of Reddened Steel. * Changed Leviathan Walker. * Changed Lobotomize. * Changed Marvelous Mechanic. * Changed Mendicants Aground. * Changed Mocktopus. * Changed Narore, Merknight Captain. * Changed Oceanic Adapter. * Changed Permanent Ward Patient. * Changed Pyloa’s Resurgence. * Changed Rathoth, in His Prison. * Changed Reel In. * Changed Reine, Humanity’s Wrath. * Changed Scrapshell Hermit. * Changed Seawalker Mechanic. * Changed She That Stood Alone. * Changed Shore Cannons. * Changed Signal Flare. * Changed Swelling Seas. * Changed Tavarre Soulgilders. * Changed The Carnelian. * Changed The Floating Sanitarium. * Changed To Strike Down Gods. * Changed Twisted Emissary. * Changed Wardiver’s Drill. * Changed Wartime Production. * Changed Wavestrider Recluse. * Changed What Lurks in the Dark.
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Change log: Fixed typos
Change log: Added the Cyborg subtype
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Changelog: Lots of stuff
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Change log: Massive overhaul of the entire set.
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Change log: More work on adjusting archetypes for limited.
Change log: Removed Idolatry, Added Covet. Small updates to several cards throughout.
Changes to flavor and art on several cards
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Extensive changes to the set, including:
Adjusted archetypes for limited Adjusted mechanics Adjusted costs Balance fixes Cut cards across all colors and rarities New cards across all colors and rarities
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I messed up the flavor bar formatting on one card in the previous version.
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This is the current version of The Depths of Pyloa published on